中国一汽总经理刘亦功相关阅读:新“驱”势,向未来!——全球新能源车生态圈汇聚虹桥论坛以下为视频寄语文稿:非常高兴受邀参加第七届进博会及虹桥论坛!中国一汽是进博会的坚定支持者、深度参与者和切实受益者,自2018年起,已经连续六届参会,除大宗原材料、飞机整机以外,连续位列央企成交第一名。进博会为中国一汽的开放合作、创新发展提供了强劲动力。 今年的虹桥论坛设置了“全球新能源汽车的未来”分论坛,国内外知名专家、行业精英齐聚一堂、分享洞见,深入探讨新能源汽车的未来发展趋势,必将推动全球汽车产业加快转型升级和高质量发展。 进博会期间,中国一汽将与大众中国等战略伙伴洽谈合作,将同与会企业家、专家学者深入交流,共享机遇、共谋发展。 最后,真诚祝愿第七届进博会及虹桥论坛圆满成功!期待在开幕式候场交流活动现场同大家相见!Below are the s:It is a great pleasure to be invited to the 7th China International import Expo (CIIE) and Hongqiao International Economic Forum! China FAW is a firm supporter, in-depth participant and practical beneficiary of CIIE, and has participated in CIIE for six consecutive sessions since 2018, in addition to bulk raw materials and complete aircrafts, ranking first in the turnover of Chinese central State-owned enterprises for years. CIIE has provided a strong impetus for China FAW's open cooperation and innovative development. In this year, Hongqiao International Economic Forum set up a sub-forum on “The Future of Global New Energy Vehicles”, which brought together renowned experts and industry elites from all over the world to share their insights and discuss in-depth the future development trend of new energy vehicles, which will surely promote the accelerated transformation, upgrading and high-quality development of the global automobile industry. During CIIE, China FAW will discuss cooperation with Volkswagen Group China and other strategic partners, and will have in-depth exchanges with participating entrepreneurs, experts and scholars to share opportunities and seek common development. Finally, I sincerely wish the 7th CIIE and Hongqiao International Economic Forum a great success! I look forward to seeing you all at The GALA!延伸阅读:虹桥国际经济论坛(简称虹桥论坛)与中国国际进口博览会同期举办,第七届虹桥论坛以“坚持高水平开放 共促普惠包容的经济全球化”为主题,举办主论坛(中国国际进口博览会暨虹桥国际经济论坛开幕式)和“1+4”板块分论坛,即《世界开放报告2024》发布暨国际研讨会(发布最新世界开放指数)和“开放发展”“开放合作”“开放创新”“开放共享”四个板块下19场分论坛。同时,将举办外资企业圆桌会等闭门会及“投资中国”相关推介活动。CIIE & HQF GALA 介绍第七届中国国际进口博览会暨虹桥国际经济论坛开幕式候场交流活动(CIIE & HQF GALA)继续在开幕式前举办,将进一步提供优质服务。促进联络会面。虹桥论坛秘书处将及时发布嘉宾信息,助力相互联络。增加媒体互动。现场邀请主流媒体参与,采用预约采访和现场随机采访等形式,与重量级嘉宾进行互动交流,增加曝光度,并提供拍照服务。开放留言预约。优化升级虹桥论坛信息系统,该系统集注册参会、信息查询、嘉宾互动等功能于一体,已在“进口博览会”APP和小程序虹桥论坛模块中上线运行。